[quote]原帖由 [i]灼眼的菲特[/i] 于 2008-2-19 00:31 发表 [url=http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=368614&ptid=20635][img]http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
喔..............你怎麼這麼快LV6了- - [/quote]
我是掛机了~:han: -
[quote]原帖由 [i]時の旅人[/i] 于 2008-2-19 00:51 发表 [url=http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=368697&ptid=20635][img]http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我是掛机了~:han: [/quote]
:orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: 教我挂啊... -
[quote]原帖由 [i]時の旅人[/i] 于 2008-2-19 00:56 发表 [url=http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=368713&ptid=20635][img]http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
总计在线 366.5 小时, 本月在线 268.83 小时
Opera。。。我用這個~:maybe: [/quote]:hope: :hope: 谢谢教导呢...用FIREFOX可以挂么?
[quote]原帖由 [i]阿斯兰君[/i] 于 2008-2-19 00:58 发表 [url=http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=368717&ptid=20635][img]http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
:hope: :hope: 谢谢教导呢...用FIREFOX可以挂么? [/quote]
米試過~不過很多都可以挂的說~設置自動刷新就可以了~:ai: -
[quote]原帖由 [i]计歪[/i] 于 2008-2-19 00:57 发表 [url=http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=368714&ptid=20635][img]http://bbs.xyz-soft.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
LZ相簿裡很多糟糕物呀~不怕被砍嗎:-,- :-,- [/quote]
:han: :han: :han: 我也點進去了 -
啟用擴充套件: [61]
- 0rz Creator 0.2: [url]http://0rz.tw/[/url] - 0rz Make a shorter URL!
- Adblock Plus [url]http://adblockplus.org/[/url] - 廣告已成過去式!
- Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper 1.0.2: [url]http://adblockplus.org/[/url] - Helps you create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus to fight the text ads.
- All-in-One Gestures 0.18.0: [url]http://perso.wanadoo.fr/marc.boullet/ext/extensions-en.html[/url] - This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.
- All-in-One Sidebar 0.7.1: [url]http://firefox.exxile.net/aios/[/url] - 受獲獎肯定的側邊欄擴充套件!
- Always Remember Password 0.6: [url]http://roachfiend.com[/url] - Makes the browser ignore web site requests to not remember passwords.
- Auto Copy 0.6.4: [url]http://autocopy.mozdev.org[/url] - 自動複製
- Bookmark Backup 0.4.2: [url]http://www.pikey.me.uk/mozilla/[/url] - Creates a backup of your bookmarks each day.
- Bookmark Duplicate Detector 0.6.3: [url]http://bookmarkdd.mozdev.org/[/url] - 幫您尋找、移動或刪除重複書籤,同時在您要新增重複書籤時提醒。
- CacheViewer 0.4.4rc2: [url]http://tinybenki.sblo.jp/[/url] - 以圖形介面檢視快取,並支援搜尋與排序。
- CHM Reader [url]http://sourceforge.net/projects/chmreader/[/url] - An extension make firefox support CHM file reading.
- ChtDict [url]http://www.sun-club.org/passerby/[/url] - 大陸、香港、台灣慣用語的字典
- Context Search 0.4.1: [url]http://www.cusser.net[/url] - Expands the context menu's 'Search for' item into a list of search engines.
- Copy Plain Text 0.3.3: [url]http://mozmonkey.com/[/url] - Copies text without formatting
- Download Statusbar [url]http://downloadstatusbar.mozdev.org/[/url] - 用下載列檢視並管理下載狀態
- DownloadHelper 2.4.5: [url]http://www.downloadhelper.net[/url] - 從多個網站下載視訊和圖片
- DownThemAll! [url]http://www.downthemall.net[/url] - 為Firefox設計的大量下載軟體。
- Drag de Go 0.2.5: [url]http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=440259[/url] - 允許您使用拖曳手勢來執行幾個常用命令
- dragdropupload 1.5.24: [url]http://percro1.sssup.it/~pit/mozilla/dragdropupload/[/url] - This extension helps you to upload files
- File Title 1.2: [url]http://www.jasnapaka.com/mozilla/filetitle/[/url] - "Save as" title as default like in IE
- FireBBS 0.3.0: [url]http://firebbs.googlepages.com/index.htm[/url] - A BBS client.
- FireFTP 0.94.6: [url]http://fireftp.mozdev.org[/url] - Mozilla Firefox 的 FTP 客戶端
- Force Content-Type 1.2.1: [url]http://www.biko2.com/[/url] - An extension to force the Content-Type of URLs
- Gmail Space 0.5.92: [url]http://www.getgspace.com/[/url] - 將 Gmail 當作網路硬碟!
- Google 筆記本 [url]http://www.google.com/notebook[/url] - 允許在瀏覽時記筆記
- Greasemonkey 0.7.20070607.0: [url]http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/[/url] - A User Script Manager for Firefox
- Handy Xtra Stuff 1.51: [url]http://xtrastuff.game-point.net/[/url] - Adds some handy extra toolbar and other functionality to Firefox, including: Popup (in a tooltip) ALT text and other attributes, Copy ALT/TITLE text, Custom webpage source viewer button + configuration dialog, Toggle online/offline button, Tabbar customization UI.
- IE Tab [url]http://ietab.mozdev.org/[/url] - 讓 Firefox 也能內嵌 IE 用雙核心!!!
- ImageBot 3.5.1: [url]http://pimpsofpain.com/imagebot.html[/url] - 一個圖片上傳管理器
- JS Switch 0.2.4: [url]http://hemiolapei.free.fr/divers/jsswitch/jsswitch.html[/url] - Adds an option or button to enable or disable JavaScript.
- Kimo Dictionary (Firefox 1.5 edition) 0.2: [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=Firefox Kimo Dictionary (Firefox 1.5 edition)[/url] - Yahoo Kimo Online Dictionary popups to web page
- Launchy 4.2.0: [url]http://gemal.dk/mozilla/launchy.html?project=launchy[/url] - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Outlook etc
- Linky 2.7.1: [url]http://gemal.dk/mozilla/linky.html[/url] - Open/download/validate links and pictures in tabs or windows
- Locationbar² [url]http://en.design-noir.de/mozilla/locationbar2/[/url] - 加強網址列顯示效果並自動解碼網址以增加可讀性。
- MediaWrap [url]http://mediawrap.mozdev.org/[/url] - 播放 ActiveX 控件方式的網頁內嵌媒體檔案
- Menu Editor [url]http://menueditor.mozdev.org/[/url] - Customize application menus
- MR Tech Local Install [url]http://www.mrtech.com/extensions/local_install/[/url] - 整合多個套件功能之綜合性加強套件 (zh-TW)
- NextPlease 0.6.6: [url]http://nextplease.mozdev.org[/url] - Navigate next/prev search results with the press of a key.
- Organize Status Bar 0.5.2: [url]http://yellow5.us/firefox/osb/[/url] - 提供編排狀態列圖示順序的功能。
- QuickNote [url]http://quicknote.mozdev.org/[/url] - A note taking extension with advanced features
- RefControl 0.8.9: [url]http://www.stardrifter.org/refcontrol/[/url] - 針對每個網站送出想要的 HTTP Referer。
- Sage CE [url]http://forum.moztw.org/viewtopic.php?t=14180[/url] - A lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
- ScrapBook [url]http://amb.vis.ne.jp/mozilla/scrapbook/[/url] - 協助您收藏網路各項資料,簡單方便!
- Screen grab! 0.93: [url]http://andy.5263.org/screengrab/[/url] - Saves a web-page as an image.
- Scrollbar Anywhere 0.8: [url]http://perso.wanadoo.fr/marc.boullet/ext/extensions-en.html[/url] - 讓滑鼠右鍵隨心所欲拖曳網頁捲軸
- SearchLoad Options 0.4.1: [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=Firefox SearchLoad Options[/url] - Tweak the searchbar's functionality.
- Show Picture 0.6: [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=Firefox Show Picture[/url] - Displays the selected image.
- Splash 2.0: [url]http://www.mrtech.com/extensions/[/url] - 為 Firefox, Flock, Thunderbird 或 Sunbird 加入啟動畫面
- Split Browser 0.4.2007101002: [url]http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/_splitbrowser.html.en[/url] - 依您所喜歡的方式分割瀏覽視窗
- StatusbarEx 0.2.11: [url]http://doudehou.googlepages.com/statusbarex[/url] - Display information on the statusbar, such as memory usage, network speed and so on. Please note that it need Microsoft VC++ 8.0 SP1 runtime library to work properly.
- SwiftTabs [url]http://heygom.com/extensions/[/url] - 只需一个自定义按键,您就可以快速的移动至前一标签页、后一标签页或关闭当前标签页
- Tab Mix Plus 0.3.6: [url]http://tmp.garyr.net[/url] - 強化瀏覽器的分頁瀏覽功能
- Talkback [url]http://talkback.mozilla.org/[/url] - Sends information about program crashes to Mozilla.
- Text Link 1.3.2007110501: [url]http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/_textlink.html.en[/url] - 讓我們可以用滑鼠雙擊的方式來載入網頁上的純文字 URI。
- Textarea Cache 0.3.6: [url]http://hemiolapei.free.fr/divers/tacache/tacache.html[/url] - Cache the <textarea>.
- These Toolbars with Small Icon 1.0: [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=Firefox These Toolbars with Small Icon[/url] - 令指定工具列使用小圖示。
- TinyUrl Creator 1.0.4: [url]http://mozmonkey.com/[/url] - Convenient tool to create small url redirects from longer ones.
- Torbutton [url]http://freehaven.net/~squires/torbutton/[/url] - Torbutton provides a button to easily enable or disable the tor proxy
- User Agent Switcher 0.6.10: [url]http://chrispederick.com/work/firefox/useragentswitcher/[/url] - Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
- フォクすけといっしょ [url]http://hadakadenkyu.flnet.org/[/url] - いろんなところにフォクすけが
- 新同文堂 (New Tong Wen Tang) [url]http://rt.openfoundry.org/Foundry/Project/?Queue=333[/url] - 中文繁簡轉換 (Chinese Simplified<->Traditional switcher)