
[2服宣战] PLANT's Declaration of War Upon the Great Gurren Brigade

PLANT's Declaration of War Upon the Great Gurren Brigade

Aprilius One, 1th June, Parallel Calendar 0001 a.k.a. 5th June, 2008 AD

On behalf of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology as well as her Supreme Council, I present the following note to the Government of the Great Gurren Brigade.

On 1st of June, the Great Gurren Brigade declared war upon Atlantis without any reasonable casus belli. Worse still, following with the outrageous and aggressive declaration, the Great Gurren Brigade launched a series of campaigns and offensive assaults on the vast territory of Atlantis.

Apparently, the Holy Zentraedi Empire is already overwhelming on the battlefront of Atlantis. The Great Gurren Brigade should have neither necessity nor desire to join this unbalanced war. In addition, This brutal and shocking act of military expansion now already poses a serious threat to the balance of power in the international community, if not the world peace. The military operation done by the Great Gurren Brigade is interpreted by the Supreme Council as a challenge to PLANT, more than a support to her ally. The Government of PLANT and her citizens feel that they no longer tolerate the provocative action done by the Great Gurren Brigade. The Great Gurren Brigade should NOT interfere the war between the Union Government of Atlantis and the Imperial Government of the Holy Zentraedi Empire. Therefore, the Great Gurren Brigade is generally recongized as an invader.

In order to enforce the protocol made by PLANT and Atlantis, hereby PLANT considers herself henceforward in state of war with the Great Gurren Brigade.

On top of that, on behalf of PLANT, I assure the Government of Atlantis that there is no seperate peace, until the Great Gurren Brigade answers in a satisfactory manner that she will halt her intervention on the recent war between Atlantis and the Holy Zentraedi Empire and put her answer in action to quit the bloody war.

All right reserved 2008, The Government of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology

[ 本帖最后由 bellatrix 于 2008-6-5 23:53 编辑 ]


原帖由 帕留纽子爵 于 2008-6-5 23:24 发表
On 1st of June?


原帖由 twentydays 于 2008-6-5 23:25 发表



Aprilius One, 平行曆0001年6月1日 亦即 西元2008年6月5日




