unknown error: 10058 = 连接已经关闭。
connection aborted = 连接中断。
connection refused = 无法连接到服务器,请确定您连上了网络或访问官方网站确认消息。
connection reset = 您的连接和服务器断开了。
resource temporarily unavailable= 资源临时不可用,连接中止。
failed sending data to the peer = 无法发送数据到对方,连接中止。
address not available = 无法解析服务器地址,连接中止。
no buffer space available = 缓存不足,连接中止。
connection timed out = 连接到服务器超时。
handle is not a socket = 句柄不是一个套接字。
HTTP response code said error = 服务器回答错误的请求。
Transferred a partial file = 连接丢失,只下载了部分文件。
server returned nothing (no headers, no data) = 服务器没有任何响应
couldn't connect to server = 无法连接到服务器..
couldn't resolve host name = 无法解析服务器地址
socket marked as non-blocking and SO_LINGER set not 0 = 非堵塞套接字但SO_LINGER被设置为了0
failed writing received data to disk/application = 无法写入数据到磁盘
a timeout was reached = 连接超时
URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL = 内部错误。