
[2服宣战] SOS宇宙军宣布与超银河大红莲团进入战争状态

嘛....我们SOS团效率低大家都知道的,其他文字版过了超过24小时才完成 = =
9th of June, 2008 A.D. of Gregorian calendar
Encripted transmission from HGDSHS Nagato, flagship of acting Commander in Chief, SOS Brigade Space forces, orbiting over star system crux four:

I, Minori Chihara, as acting Commander in Chief of the SOS Brigade Space Forces during the absence of our beloved Brigade Chief Suzumiya Haruhi, hereby present the following notice to the Government of the Great Gurren Brigade.

The SOS Space Force Headquarters hereby informs the Government of the Great Gurren Brigade that:

Aware of the fact that an effective state of war now exists between Earth Federation Special Force Titans and the Great Gurren Brigade, the SOS Brigade Space Forces - Great Gurren Brigade non-aggresion pact have been rendered invalid due to clause 3 of the SOS Brigade Space Forces - Earth Federation Special Force Titans mutual defence pact.

With the activation of clause 3, SOS Brigade Space Forces - Earth Federation Special Force Titans mutual defence pact, from 1900 hours, 9th of June, 2008 A.D., SOS considers herself at a state of war with the Great Gurren Brigade.

This transmission to be repeated in Terrain English, Abhian, Zentraedi and Tengwa Quenya

[ 本帖最后由 hydropod 于 2008-6-11 01:40 编辑 ]
  • katura 积分Lv1 +2 精品文章 2008-6-11 01:28


  • katura 积分Lv1 +2 精品文章 2008-6-11 01:28


  • katura 积分Lv1 +2 精品文章 2008-6-11 01:28


  • katura 积分Lv1 +2 2008-6-11 01:28

