
[2服宣战] PLANT's Declaration of War Upon the Holy Zentraedi Empire

PLANT's Declaration of War Upon the Holy Zentraedi Empire

Aprilius One, 5th June, Parallel Calendar 0001 a.k.a. 6th June, 2008 AD

On behalf of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology as well as her Supreme Council, I present the following note to the Foreign Minister of the Holy Zentraedi Empire and the Government represented by your Excellency.

The Government of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology has used every effort since the beginning of the crisis to bring about a peaceful settlement. However, instead of accepting our generous offer, the Imperial Government of the Holy Zentraedi Empire recklessly continued to attack Atlantis. In addition, the Holy Zentraedi Empire, without informing the government of PLANT, deployed a significant number of troops near the original PLANT-Altantis border. In the opinion of PLANT and her citizens, this act puts our marginal territory in a grave and imminent danger.

In consequence of this outrageous step taken by the Holy Zentraedi Empire, I have the honour, on the instructions of my Government, to inform your Excellency as follows:

Her Highness the Chancellor, my august Sovereign, in the name of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology, accepts the challenge, and considers herself henceforward at war with Zentraedi.

All rights reserved 2008, the Government of the People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology

[ 本帖最后由 bellatrix 于 2008-6-8 13:23 编辑 ]

